Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Satisfaction as a Byproduct

As sons of God, satisfaction ripens as a byproduct when you perform Kingdom work. A byproduct serves as secondary results from the original performance; nevertheless, satisfaction marks predictable rewards. As individuals, your role may seem small based on your assignment yet your development of satisfaction leads to greater assignments. Therefore, one must embrace satisfaction in every circumstance while understanding that satisfaction will always remain the same despite your assignment.

In Scriptures, we see examples of satisfaction under different assignments. For instance, David as a shepherd became satisfy as the caretaker of sheep even among deadly predators like lions and bears. Yet, his satisfaction produced an opportunity to defend Israel from the giant, Goliath. Even Noah exemplified satisfaction by living righteous; but, eventually God guided him to save humanity by surviving the first flood on a self-made Ark with his family.

Yet, Scriptures give us examples of individuals who lacked satisfaction. For instance, Moses failed to enter the promise land because he became dissatisfied with the people by calling them “rebels” as he struck the rock for them to drink water. Even Samson became dissatisfied living the Nazirite rules leading to his demise when he confided his secret of his strength to Delilah.

Since satisfaction stimulates a vital necessity, one must sequester the urge to become dissatisfied leading to frustration when performing Kingdom work. Remember, satisfaction comes from the provided services instead of the provider of the services. In other words, remind yourself that the payoff in Kingdom work benefits God instead of you. Payoff enables God’s glory to materialize while creating self-satisfaction. The Scripture reminds us that we are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit... (I Corinthians 6:20) Therefore, your assignment is irrelevant when performing Kingdom work because your satisfaction with the assignment unfolds God’s glory leading to the ultimate assignment just like David and Noah.