Saturday, June 29, 2019

Increase knowledge vs increase sorrow

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. (Ecclesiastes 1:18 KJV) A theology professor wanted my view on the Scripture about increase knowledge and sorrow. So my perspective on this scripture is as follows:

This verse reminds me of the popular slogan during the 2016 Presidential Campaign about Fake News. "Fake news or pseudo-news is a type of propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional news media or online social media." (

Like fake news, worldly knowledge produces fake truth that tends to bring glory to oneself while fostering a path of sorrow. Mainly, this knowledge encourages a lack of fulfillment unlike Godly knowledge that leads to fulfillment. For instance, advances in sexual identity during pregnancy allow a couple to question the sex of the unborn because now one can change his/her sex after birth. Such knowledge can lead to grief when one thinks he or she was born with the wrong sex. This knowledge replaces God's selection of one's sex while fabricating that God made a mistake when he created me. As one changes his/her sex, this transformation leads to sorrow by family members especially the parents.

Therefore, as we recognize the advancement in scientific methods without the advancement of spiritual enlightenment, one can acknowledge the parallel of increase knowledge leading to increase sorrow within our society.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Pastor Tribute

Pastor Vincent Brown
Abbeville Memorial COGIC

A pastor is a spiritual overseer for a group of believers. As a spiritual overseer, he must ensure that the spiritual development of believers will continue toward the path of maturity in both wisdom and knowledge. In other words, the pastor has a call to draw people closer to God. Therefore, the term change becomes a permanent aim for him when ministering to body of believers. The body of believers must undergo change to reach maturity just as a new born child changes to adulthood. Yet, when we listen to Pastor Brown’s applications in his sermons, each application becomes a vital nugget on how to grow closer to God to ensure this change. Pastor Brown employs a changed methodology to stir growth when preaching. For instance, he referred to the call of Abraham from Ur to the land of Canaan as an increase. Likewise, God wants us to increase by improving ourselves so at times He employs a change concept that will eventually lead us to improvement.

Pastor Brown wants AMC members to improve and continue to increase toward God. Remember, God created the universe and if you noticed there is an ever expansion ongoing around us. I have heard people say that we are living in the Last Days. Yet, Pastor Brown understands that we are living in two existences – this presence world and the spiritual world. Such awareness leads him to foster a need for AMC to grow spiritually instead of focusing on the material prosperity. 

Finally, the primary purpose of a spiritual overseer centers on  Kingdom work by reaching lost souls. Likewise, Pastor Brown's vision at Abbeville Memorial Church produces ongoing Kingdom work within this community like ministering to our seniors at the Henry County Health and Rehab Facility, the youth at Camp SAYLA, Back to School Bash, the Boys and Girls Club of Abbeville, and even the homeless as an outreach ministry in Atlanta. This body of believers seems small from a natural perspective but from the spiritual perception, we are mighty in God which is why the Apostle Paul referred to us in the Scripture as waiting for a change

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.  (I Corinthians 15:51-52)

For this reason, Pastor Brown employs a change concept in preparation of the ultimate change for the believers at AMC.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

End Times

End Times what does this term really means when people say that we are living in the End Times.  Usually, such a term reference the end of existence as seen in this presence reality. However, such a meaning can easily suggest that the world is constantly in a state of change unfolding the rationale for climate change, imminent nuclear war, or any pending pandemic outbreaks or national disaster.  This presence existence moves like an evolving state toward an unseen external destination but simultaneously producing an unction only seen by a selected few who announces, “End Times are upon us.” Therefore, I tend to ponder the comparison of this presence existence with an eternal experience.

Nevertheless, I believe if you look closer to ones’ surroundings there are clues that suggest this notion of living in the End Times. First, eternity lacks a starting point. Since this presence existence birthed from eternity when the Creator breathed life into this existence while causing life to materialize giving us that impulse to return to your Creator. Remember Scripture notes, for in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven. (II Corinthians 5:2 KJV) Therefore, one can interpret that the term End Times really speaks to ones’ eternal existence in which we are longing to return to our heavenly home in eternity.

Another clue reflects in the universe in form of sounds known as music.  Music has a tendency to touch ones’ soul. Even if you hear a song in a foreign language the tunes vibrate a rhythm that calms your spirit. Therefore, the Psalmist states, with trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. (Psalms 98:6) In other words, music in the formation of joyful sounds connect your inner man with your eternal Creator while signifying an impulse to return to your heavenly existence.  Therefore, one can easily say that when we produce music and rhythmic sounds that portion of our being formed by the Creator’s breath becomes awaken like a lost puppy yearning to return home.

Now the next time you hear the term End Times, start recognizing the clues of two existences – the presence world and the eternal world. Then these clues will awaken your awareness enabling you to experience the eternity from your inner self. This awareness will lead you to foster an understanding that your temporal existence coexists with your unseen existence.  Upon that epiphany, you will realize a temporal coexistence while longing to return home to your eternal existence.