"If anyone is worried that he might not be acting honorably toward the virgin he is engaged to, and if his passions are too strong and he feels he ought to marry, he should do as he wants. He is not sinning. They should get married."
1 Corinthians 7:36
I selected this verse after 36 years of marriage as a reminder that my passion toward my love remains inexorable and unchangeable. Even now, I highly desire to remain married to Debra Grant Baker. Here is my shared verse for generation to come.
If you continue to worry about change just look into the eyes of your love because her eyes change not. So continue your marriage vows with no changes. I Mickey 7:36.
So what does marriage after 36 years really means for me? For you to understand my explanation, you must realize that 36 is only a measurable period for such a marriage to exist. Whereas, the measure for my love, one cannot confine to a duration of time, because my love is indefinite. Since time is relative, my love for Debra is immeasurable and limitless. Some people think that when two individuals bond together they create a visible love code. Yet, when tension occurs, that code becomes imbalance. However, the past tension between me and my love really strengthen our love because we learned the art of forgiveness. For our love to sustain for these 36 years, we both allowed tension to unfold the action of forgiveness just because of love. I set my ringtone on my Android smartphone to play Bill Withers’ song, Just the Two of Us to remind me that “we can make it if we try just the two of us” whenever she calls. Yet, if you look very deep into our love code, you will see a subliminal message with this numerical code - 4221-360 which means, I can make this marriage work due to the fact of - 4221 (4ever 2gether 2love 1another) because 360 (you complete my circle).

Therefore, each time my cell rings, this visible code appears in my head 4221-360.

Therefore, each time my cell rings, this visible code appears in my head 4221-360.