Saturday, February 8, 2020

Weekly Sunday School Lesson

Sunday School Lesson 11 "Piety that Honons God" Winter Quarterly 2020

Elevator Inspiration for Sunday School  

Lesson 11 declares the Savior’s teaching on Piety that Honors God as demonstrated in Matthews 6:1-8. Although, Jesus uses parables when instructing his followers, but in this text he uses plain-spoken directives. He reminds us that God is not concerned with only the outward appearance of doing what is right. God looks at the heart, and He desires our good deeds to come from pure motives not from a desire for accolades. Remember the short-lived reward for hypocritical behavior is like the theater crowd’s applause when the hands quit clapping and the sound fades, nothing is left. The hypocrite is a deceiver, a pretender who conceals true motives for actions. Yet, public acts of worship are not necessarily hypocritical. The primary issue is motive. We must remember if are we drawing attention to ourselves or pointing others to God? Is our giving intended to draw the praise of people or to encourage others to give? Are our public prayers designed to impress or to lead others to God’s throne? Mainly, we should never try to impress either God or others in both our giving and praying.

See you in Sunday School!


  1. Let's ne mindful to serve others.

  2. You are right sis to be servant you MUST be willing to SERVE others before yourself.

  3. Encouraging and uplifting knowing that our faithfulness to God favors our walk with Him.

  4. Today, November 24th was a great lesson to the Saints. Enjoyed your review and God's message to us Thanks for sharing
    Alice Davis

  5. This is for us today. We must recognize each of us has been graced by God to do a work for Him. We praise Him, knowing He is everything we'll ever need.
    Pastor V

  6. It is so important to be faithful to our words, so that others my see the faithful Jesus in us. Amen!!!!!

  7. On point commentaries. Keeping our own word is a great way to being the best version of ourselves.

  8. Are we likewise faithful to God? This is a very humbling question. Immediately we see all of our ways and are convicted of the fact that we could do more to be faithful to Him!
    Pastor V
