Sunday, October 14, 2018

God is Always Working

Sunday Podcast

Welcome back to Elevator Inspiration for Sunday school. As we continue the study in Genesis, today we focus on Abram’s Call. The Scriptures indicated that the Lord said to Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will send thee: Now, this call occurred in Abram’s life at the age of 75. How often in life we feel that we are too old to experience anything new or to learn new things. Yet, God waited to give Abram this call at the age of 75 after the death of his father, Terah in the city of Haran. As spiritual descendants of Abraham, we all have roles in the fulfillment of that same promise. So as you study this lesson, ask yourself are you really doing what God has called you to do like Abram in this week lesson?

 See you in Sunday.

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