Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Deborah, my favorite Biblical woman

And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go.
Judges 4:8

Deborah the wife of Lappidoth was a wise and courageous judge of Israel. She was known for her wisdom. She was the only woman of the Bible who gained renown on her own merit, instead of her relationship to a man. Deborah’s vision was shaped by her relationship in GOD. Like the patriarch of Israel, one must hear GOD and believe GOD, then that person will acquire the courage to overcome oppression. Likewise, Deborah demonstrated these qualities and became a remarkable judge and a prophetess. Her courage aroused the people and led them in a victory procession of peace. Later, she even described herself as a “mother in Israel.” 

Having received instruction from God, Deborah summoned an Israelite warrior named Barak. Barak was Deborah’s protégé, her second in command and his name means lightening, Yet, Barak would not strike until he was ignited by Deborah’s power. Barak’s response when ordered by Deborah into battle demonstrates his discomfort. Notice “if you will go with me, I will go; if not I will not go.” (Judges 4:8) So Deborah agreed to enter the battle with the troops by his side. Although, she informed Barak, “However, there will be no glory for you in the course you are taking, because the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.” (Judges 4:9) Deborah joined the troops in battle,  led Israel out of idolatry, and restored their dignity as God chosen people.

Barak had hesitated faith. For instance, in response to God’s command, he said, “I’ll obey if…” Yet, Deborah did not abandon Barak for his hesitated faith. Rather, she accompanied him and gave him the strength to accomplish God’s purpose. 

Finally, this Bible story provides us a great example of a man and woman partnering as they obeyed the command of God. Their outcome enabled the Israelite warriors to win the battle! All the troops of Sisera fell by their sword; not a man was left. Deborah’s courage and wisdom in calling up an army to break Hazor’s control gave the Israelites 40 years of peace. Deborah’s peace and confidence as a leader stemmed in part from her ability to hear God clearly.

Deborah's undertaking makes her my favorite and reminds me the following lesson learned:
1) Trust in God’s Word
2) Be of good courage
3) Wise leaders surround themselves with the right people
4) We must be concern about people, not just our success
5) Acknowledged that all the glory belongs to God

By Gwendolyn Player
(My Consin)

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