Sunday, July 22, 2018

My Psalm 139

Unable to sleep this morning I got up and begin reading Psalm 139. I read it in KJV, Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) and then in the Message.  What an awesome Word where David writes a song about His God. So I decided to create my own version of Psalm 139.

Oh, Adonai, my life resembles an open book for your pleasurable reading. You know the truth regarding my life, despite the mask that I wear at time. You can easily recognize the fake smiles when I am reminded of hurtfulness from failures that haunt my being. Yet, I realize your presence as you operated your purpose in the background even when I accomplished my goals or when I succumb with failures. Now, I understand your omnipresence notwithstanding my whereabouts. As I reminisce on my past, I professed your workings. Although; I was unaware at the times. Oh, how now I thank you for both the failures and the accomplishments. I can definitely agree with David, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy work: and that my soul knoweth right well.”  Like David, I acknowledge Adonai who is worthy of the praise and glory that I give. I realize that one tends to gravitate to an entitlement syndrome because of selfishness tendencies. Yet, seeing others climbing the ladder of progress according to worldly standards, brings clarity of my path while realizing that different persons travel different path according to Adonai’s directions.  So I plead that you, Adonai, search my heart and make known any form of selfishness that hinders my worship via my Savior and Lord in Jesus Christ, Selah.

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