Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Prayer of Hope

I Thessalonians 2:19, states, "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?"

Hope is nothing more than a cherish desire for something to happen. So one can easily question hope when expectation looks hazy and dull. Yet, with profound perception as limited by our human eyesight, it will become illuminated in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.  With that acknowledgement, I ask you to join me with this supplication for your family.
Dearest Heavenly Father, who knows all things about us including our predetermination. Yet, we tend to hope in temporal things like hope for success, for money, for a special relationship, and even for financial fortunate. While there's nothing inherently wrong with such hope, it doesn't resuscitate the soul like having hope in YOU, my Heavenly Father. I realize that I am better off placing all my hope in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming. So help me to set my affections on YOU and Your Kingdom instead of temporal things on Earth as I realize that my eternity means residing with YOU. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

My Psalm 139

Unable to sleep this morning I got up and begin reading Psalm 139. I read it in KJV, Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) and then in the Message.  What an awesome Word where David writes a song about His God. So I decided to create my own version of Psalm 139.

Oh, Adonai, my life resembles an open book for your pleasurable reading. You know the truth regarding my life, despite the mask that I wear at time. You can easily recognize the fake smiles when I am reminded of hurtfulness from failures that haunt my being. Yet, I realize your presence as you operated your purpose in the background even when I accomplished my goals or when I succumb with failures. Now, I understand your omnipresence notwithstanding my whereabouts. As I reminisce on my past, I professed your workings. Although; I was unaware at the times. Oh, how now I thank you for both the failures and the accomplishments. I can definitely agree with David, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy work: and that my soul knoweth right well.”  Like David, I acknowledge Adonai who is worthy of the praise and glory that I give. I realize that one tends to gravitate to an entitlement syndrome because of selfishness tendencies. Yet, seeing others climbing the ladder of progress according to worldly standards, brings clarity of my path while realizing that different persons travel different path according to Adonai’s directions.  So I plead that you, Adonai, search my heart and make known any form of selfishness that hinders my worship via my Savior and Lord in Jesus Christ, Selah.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Strait Gate

Strive to enter in at the strait gate.” Luke 13:24
This verse quotes the Savior’s answer to the question, “Are there few that can be saved?” In other words, someone asked the Savior, how many people will enter into the Kingdom? Yet, the Savior flip the conversation from a collective observation to an individual interest. Essentially, it is no longer about the masses but about you as an individual. The Savior emphasizes that your focus should consist not about the salvation of many but whether how you response to His message. Right now, the gate is open, but soon, the gate will shut. The numbers of people who can enter the gate are limitless; but your individual time to enter is limited.

When you really view the totality of Luke 13:22-30, you will notice the visibility of seeing who enters the Kingdom even after the door shuts. Notice verse 38, “When ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom…” Acknowledging the presence of others in your absence seems brutal, but it centers on the truth of rejection. Our natural tendency of conforming to others around us accepts the notion that everyone sins so why bother striving to change. However, the incorporation of entering the strait door appears unimaginable on the grounds that others are predetermined to enter the broad gate by the masses. Yet, the Savior paints an encouraging picture to his followers that they exclude themselves from the masses while striving to enter the narrow gate.

So I challenge you with this question, what changes are you prioritizing to enter the narrow gate into God’s Kingdom?

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Privilege of Entitlements

Because of a mundane life, humans gravitate toward entitlements. Can such a statement holds true if humans infer the lucid Scriptures instead of burying their lives into self-absorbed concerns? In other words, as humans our natural instinct conditions our belief system toward privileged beings, and Scripture even validates such with certainty.
Remember, our Creator placed the first humans in a garden filled with every necessity needed to sustain life. For instance, this garden had plants that produced fruit-bearing trees, nut-bearing trees, and all sort of vegetable for consumption. Even the perfect weather existed in which there was no need for rain to sustain this perfect habitation because a mist came from within the garden for sustainment. After creating such an environment, Scripture revealed, “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good…” (Genesis 1:31) Without a doubt, the Creator transformed a swamp into a perfect environment for humans to exist even before He created them. Therefore, the presence of humans linked to this prefect environment prompts a privileged entitlement just from the existence of humanity. The Psalmist reiterates this same theme: “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visits him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:” Psalms 8:4-6. To further placates this privilege of entitlements, one must grasp the functionality of humans. For instance, we tend to forget that Lucifer (the chief of angels) was sentenced to Earth for the crime of attempting to overthrown God’s dominion. (Revelation 12:9) So in the mist of Lucifer’s residence (Earth), God recreated this magnificent garden giving the domain to humans impliedly removing it from Lucifer.

Therefore, the functionality of humans interchanged with that of angels. For instance, prior to Lucifer’s expulsion from Heaven including one-third of the angelic population (fallen angels), these beings served the Creator, God. Ezekiel 28:14 shed light on the role of Lucifer indicating that he was an anointed Cherub. Cherubim occupy unique positions in Scriptures. In Genesis 3:24, Cherubim protected the entrance into the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were expelled. Also, when Moses made the mercy seat and placed it in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle, God’s glory rested between two Cherubim. Therefore, Cherubim served as servants of God to safeguard definite things. So the interchangeable functionality of humans comprised of serving God and protecting Kingdom work on Earth like Lucifer and the fallen angels once performed.

Yet, humans, the lesser creature than angels, must refrain from the same path as Lucifer of wanted more or wanted to swap places with the Creator. Remember, the privilege of entitlements as an anointed Cherub led Lucifer toward disloyalty and betrayal. Lucifer obtained a Theo Ego complex while serving God when he declared that he will replace God as recorded in Isaiah 14:12-14:
You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Notice that the stars of God are actual angels, “throne on high” and “mount of assemble” can easily mean power, the term “of the clouds” indicates shared recognition and finally, the term “make myself like the Most High” explains Lucifer’s ultimate purpose of wanting to rule like his Creator. 

Likewise as humans, we must remain as servants of God while acknowledging the privilege of entitlements without this Theo Ego mindset. As noted in I John 3:1, Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. As sons of God, we must avoid the selfish egos leading to “I will do this or do that” mentality without God’s will and guidance. We should never want to replace our Creator in any form like receiving services from others or wanting others to credit our authority. Humans must appreciate their humanity. They must knowingly understand that they too are privilege beings serving in Lucifer’s relinquished position because of his obsession with the “I will’s” the Theo Ego.

The lucidness of Scriptures reminds humans to continue your services to God in whatever you do. Therefore, as you minimize your selfish ego, you must stop becoming self-absorbed in unhealthy events. Mostly, realize that your Creator has already solidified your privilege of entitlements by giving you dominion over his creation which is Earth and everything that he created here. So protect his Kingdom by living His will as with oneness notably as sons of God, the lessor of Elohim unlike the fallen angels.