Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Value of Silence

Do you enjoy Silence or endure Silence? Have you ever gave Silence any thoughtful rational for its existence? Silence is more than odd times of saying nothing, but Silence serves as an opportunity for enlightenment. Silence has different meanings at different times in our lives. You can find multiple examples of Silence in Scripture that remains relevant for today’s situations.
In the Old Testament, this Scripture reveals Silence uniquely: “No hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built.(I Kings 6:7) This text unfolds the building of the Temple under King Solomon’s administration. King Solomon purposed to build a temple for the name of the LORD, which took seven years and six months to complete. “Actually, this verse means that the stones were so carefully tooled and skillfully prepared when first cut from the remote quarries that they needed no major adjustment when they were transported to the construction site.” (Russell, Dilday, The Preacher’s Commentary) Remember, the intent of this temple represented the house of God not the house of His people. Unlike today’s churches, the seating capacity of the temple did not include worshippers only the presence of God. As you read this Scripture notice the work of God continues in the mist of Silence without any sound of hammering or chiseling.
In the New Testament, the Savior places Mary and Martha on Silence by delaying His time for two additional days before He delivers Lazarus from the grave. This Silence discloses a timetable that is void on human interference. Even in the book of Revelation, Silence occurs for ½ hour to signify the beginning of eternal glory when the seventh seal opens. (Revelation 7:11) Since a ½ hour in eternity is unmeasurable for this present age of time, the measurement of Silence in the book of Revelation is timeless on earth.
When you experience unanswered prayers or delayed requests, think about Silence. Mainly, Silence occurs for you to acknowledge its existence instead of displaying intolerance. Silence allows you to resonate about the unseen world as you connect your spirit with God. You must recognize God’s quiet presence unlike the noisy surroundings of this world's media hype. The work of God transpires in Silence by inconspicuous means. During Silence, you feel uneasiness and apprehension as reflected by your physical being, but Silence interchanges with your spiritual beings. If you welcome Silence as demonstrated in Scripture, you will envision more than the ordinary. The Apostle Paul notes that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. (I Corinthians 3:16) So when Silence materializes you must tune into your spiritual being to recognize how the natural realm is shaping your temple for God. Like the skillful cutting of stones for the physical Temple of God, the Holy Spirit works in Silence to build and shape your life for the dwelling place of God in the spiritual realm. In other words, SILENCE represents, God building your life for Him to dwell just like the temple that Solomon built.

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