6 But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,
7 And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. Mark 5:6-7
by Aaron Burden from Unsplash.com |
We live in an amazing Cosmos that allows us to reside in a natural existence while interacting in a spiritual realm that evolves around us. Yet, Scripture vividly demonstrates the spiritual realm, especially when the Savior interacts with unclean spirits or demons. The verses above acknowledge a unique interaction with demons because these demons knew the Savior prior to their face to face contact. Notice how they (demons) recognized His royalty by giving Him adoration. They even recognized His authority by pleading their freedom of torment. Mainly, they acknowledged His status as the Son of the most High God. Even in the spiritual realm, like our natural realm, you have identifiable characters with individualized events that alert ones to the memory of past dealings. For instance, when the Savior confronts these demons who are within this man in Gadarenes, these demons identified themselves as Legion, meaning that they are many. Legion immediately requested that the Savior refrain from tormenting them which gives us the assumption of past dealings. Yet, it is hard to believe that one human can possess so many unclean spirits. As for this scenario, the demons’ count equated to 2000 because when these demons requested that they enter the swine nearby, it was 2000 swine who committed suicide. I assumed that each demon occupied an individual swine who then decided to run off a cliff and drown in the sea instead of tolerating their existence with demons or an unclean spirits. (Mark 5:1-13)
This episode with demons in the book of Mark provides a colorful insight into the spiritual realm of reality. First, demons are real and their habitation consists of this earth because of their defeat in the heavenly realm. Scriptures reveal that Michael and his angels defeated Satan and his demons and after their defeat they left heaven to live on earth. (Revelation 12:7-8). Secondly, humans are made in the image of God, “So God created man in his own image.” (Genesis 1:8) You must grasp the totality of this momentous statement because you will then understand why demons engage with humans in warfare. Since humans reflect God’s image, demons continue their fight with God here on earth through their interaction with humans. Remember, God disrupted the demons’ earthly kingdom by creating another creature who reflects His image and likeness. Originally, Demon had dominion within the earth. When God created humans, He gave them dominion over the demons’ habitation. What an awesome plan of God! Remember God’s angels defeated demons in the heavenly realm, and now God allows a lesser creature (humans) to continue the same war but in another realm when He gave them dominion over earth.
Although, Satan temporarily defeated man with their first encounter by luring man and woman (Adam and Eve) to disobey the Creator in the Garden of Eden. Thereafter, God sent His Son to the same realm with a simple weapon of offense to defeat Satan. Now, through unpretentious faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus to redeem mankind, a redemptive man can continue this spiritual war right here on earth. Presently, this heavenly war continues with new soldiers who are created lesser than heavenly angels; yet they are armed with heavenly weaponry. When these soldiers become knowledgeable of their dominating power in the earthly realm, they can easily defeat demons like Michael and his angels defeated them in the heavenly realm.
Now please ponder these two questions. Did you join this heavenly war on earth when you became a member of God’s family? Do you use your heavenly weaponry when engaging demons? Remember when you interact with demonic forces in the spiritual realm on earth please become mindful as follows: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. (II Corinthians 10:4) Now engage your demons like your Savior with Legion.
Great insight! The enemy of God continues to war against us, who are created in God's imagine and likeness. And just like God's angels, we win, by faith in Jesus!