My name means my father is joy. I am quick
witted, wise, beautiful, and a great peacemaker. I gave one of the longest speeches recorded
by a woman in the Bible. I was once married to a rich but foolish man. He was a
blockhead, a numb skull, and a nincompoop. We had lots of land and herds. David and
his army were taking refuge from Saul, and they camped near our land. They protected
our sheep from wolves, and bandits, and subsequently, our herds prospered.
One day David’s men came and asked of my husband
if we could give them some food and drink. Of course, my foolish husband said no
insulting to the future king of Israel. David’s men went back and told David what had happened. So David gathered 400 men to come and kill my husband along with his
servants. Well, our servants knew my
wisdom. So one of them informed me of the conversation between my husband and
David’s men. I immediately saddled up a few donkeys to take David’s army some food
that consisted of 200 loaves of bread, two wine skins of wine, the meat of five
sheep, a bushel of grain, 100 clusters of raisins, and 200 fig cakes. Mainly, I
had heard about David and his kindness toward Saul and Jonathan. I heard about
his victories and his love for the Lord God of Israel. When I met him, I fell
to mine knees to display humbleness. I asked forgiveness for the disrespect
of my husband and reminded him of how the Lord had taken care of him and that the
Lord will avenge his enemies.
David thanked me for reminding him of the
sinful behavior of revenge when pursued by his own hands. He accepted my gifts
and told me to return home in peace.
Well, I returned to explain to my husband the seriousness of these events but he
was intoxicated at the time. So I waited until the next morning to provide the anticipated results of his stubbornness. When I finished my story, my husband had a stroke and 10 days later he
Now when David heard about what had
happened. He remembered my beauty and wisdom. Then, David asked me to become
his wife of which I consented immediately. Who am I?
My name is Abigail. My story is found 1
Samuel 25.

by my sister,
Dena Baker Brooks
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