Saturday, December 29, 2018

Love God and Serve Others

But the Lord shall endure for ever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment. Psalms 9:7 KJV 

Have you ever had a family member or a friend who is always asking for a handout? Their luck seems destiny for your aid instead of aiding you. These familiar scenarios seem frustrating for both the giver and receiver. However, if you analyze the rationale of these situations, you will see a hidden truth that will render you future rewards.

Kwanzaa celebrates seven principles in seven days during the holidays. Kwanzaa encourages the Ujamaa which emphases cooperative economics. In other words, as members of this technology driven society, one must embrace how to profit together. Equally, the more fortunate individuals must rescue the less fortunate ones despite the lack of effort of the lesser. Remember, the Savior reinforces this same principle while explaining His expectation upon returning to establish His Kingdom. For instance in Matthew 25:31-46, the Savior explains how judgment will occur like the separation of sheep and goats on a farm by the farmer. Since only one group will truly inherit the prepared Kingdom, the rationale for this inheritance rests upon how they dealt with less fortunate ones. The Savior listed six kindnesses bestowed upon the less fortunate – helping them with the lack of food, lack of water, lack of housing, lack of clothes, lack of health care, and lack of visitation in prison. One can simplify these kindnesses as acts of justice.

Individual judgment centers on the treatment of the less fortunate to determine ones’ fate. Notice how the Savior explains the rationale to receive the ultimate award, “Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40) Therefore, acts of justice instill the desire of wanting to see the right thing done for others. Yet, the key with justice consists of seeing the act from the Savior’s perception. The Savior identifies your performance as you perform the act liken unto Him. Such action reflects cooperative economics because profit occurs with togetherness inclusive of the less and more fortunate individuals. In others words, when the Savior benefits everyone profits which is the hidden truth when dealing with individuals asking for handouts.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My Prayer of Obedience

Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered. Hebrews 5:8

Dearest Heavenly Father, I realize your Son suffered yet He obeyed. Likewise, I acknowledge that some of the best lessons I have learned came from suffering, but to know that your Son learned obedience from suffering is mind blowing. 

Although, He understood it prior to suffering; yet, He wanted to learn it experiential. Likewise, I should not expect anything less for myself. With that statement, continue to teach me through suffering. Give me the wisdom to know when to stop helping others doing their hard times or at least when to take a step back to allow YOU to do YOUR purifying work in their lives. 

In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to the which also ye were called in one body; and be ye thankful. Col 3:15

Like Martha who stated to Jesus when her brother, Lazarus had died, "I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You," (John 11:22)  I too realize the benefits of an earthly relationship with the Father and the Son. Therefore, I am thankful that the natural death will never destroy our spiritual life. For this knowledge, comes the PEACE of GOD despite the current situation in ones' life. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Exception to the Rule

 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (John 6:63 KJV)

Although, we live in a physical cosmos, our spiritual connection produces perpetual relationships compared to relying on our physical abilities. Yet, Scripture reinforces this notion as demonstrated when the Savior fed five thousand men from a boy’s meal of three fish and barley bread. This miracle quickly shifted from physical foods to spiritual enlightenment, which caused His followers to become disgruntle. This disgruntlement led the Savior to say twice, “No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him.” (John 6:44, 65 KJV) Such a saying creates an exceptional rule. An exception usually occurs outside the norm. Therefore, this exception created a misapprehension, which caused five thousand men to deny what the Savior was actually trying to teach them. Remember, humans possess a spiritual presence along with their natural state. Therefore, the spirit of humans becomes inactive when focus shifts to selfish consideration. As demonstrated in this setting, the multitude received physical gratification from eating fish and bread, so the next day they wanted to locate Jesus to gain more satisfaction physically instead of spiritually.

Even today, we seek blessings from God for physical gratification. Yet, if our intentions for wanting things focus on selfish consideration, our lives will become unprofitable. For this reason, Jesus stated, “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63 KJV) The Savior speaks frankly to our natural state; since, it exists purely for selfishness. Our physical being lacks the ability to profit from life. Thus, our spiritual being must acknowledge that only GOD’s Words can produce life. Subsequently, we should seek GOD while embracing the exceptional rule that only GOD’s grace will allow us to understand and accept HIS Words as the true essence of life that creates perpetual relationships.

Monday, November 12, 2018

My Prayer for You.

Dearest heavenly Father, we tend to respond selfish when relating to others. Yet, your Scripture reminds us to  petition you continuously on behalf of others.  Therefore, give us the wisdom to seek your will instead of ours. Give us the understanding to interpret your will instead of selfish intention. Give us that yelding spirit to recognize the leading of the Holy Spirit. Finally, give us the spiritual insightfulness of recognizing others the way you see them. In Jesus' name I pray.

Colossians 1:9 
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

One-Minute Lesson

Check out the lessons from the YPWW series on Christian Concepts for Victorious Living of the Church of God in Christ. Here is a synopsis of the lesson in one minute so you can explore the details later. Click and enjoy:

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Bereavement Prayer

Dearest Heavenly Father, I know that only your words can comfort during times of bereavement. In Proverbs 13:22, it states that a good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children…. So I pray that this family will understand the term of inheritance. Many times we think that an inheritance consists of things, but an inheritance can also consist of a legacy. Therefore, when love ones depart this earthly life, they leave a legacy. Yet, this prayer I want to express that YOU give them the strength to live their loved one’s legacy so the remembrance will never disappear. Although, it has been over 2000 years since your Son walk the Earth in a human body, yet the legacy in form of teaching has never deteriorated. Daily His followers continue to revive His Words. Likewise, the descendants of any patriarch or matriarch carry the legacy that each leaves by their children's children. So I pray that during the time of bereavement that the children's children will grasp the understanding of this departure as they accept this intentional inheritance, this I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

God is Always Working

Sunday Podcast

Welcome back to Elevator Inspiration for Sunday school. As we continue the study in Genesis, today we focus on Abram’s Call. The Scriptures indicated that the Lord said to Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will send thee: Now, this call occurred in Abram’s life at the age of 75. How often in life we feel that we are too old to experience anything new or to learn new things. Yet, God waited to give Abram this call at the age of 75 after the death of his father, Terah in the city of Haran. As spiritual descendants of Abraham, we all have roles in the fulfillment of that same promise. So as you study this lesson, ask yourself are you really doing what God has called you to do like Abram in this week lesson?

 See you in Sunday.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Gateway to the Unknown

"The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." Nahum 1:3 KJV

I have an inquisitive mind about this Earth's gateway into the heavens. From my view, the sky can easily take your breath away from a quick glance or a prolong stare. When you look into the sky above, your thoughts tend to multiply as your spirit takes control leading your mind toward amazement yet wonderful inquisitiveness. Since our Creator molded us into His image, we tend to imagine the beauty thereof as reflection from humans’ eyes. Nevertheless, I rather think that this beauty employs more than a gateway, but a glance into the Creator’s abode. Just like constructing border lines between property with wooden fences or stone walls for privacy, our Creator paints the skies above with various colors to convey His privacy as well as a revealing gateway into His heavenly Kingdom. The Apostle Paul who ascended beyond the skies never express his experience with comprehensible words as noted in 2 Corinthians 12:4, “How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

So as you stare above, allow your spirit to connect with your Creator, simultaneously; imagine the exquisiteness of His habitat. For this reason, the prophet Nahum states, “the clouds are the dust of His feet.” The purpose of Earthly borders alerts intruders; likewise, our Creator warns us with changing cloud formation of various colors and shape that will perplex and amaze us. So I challenge you to become vigilant in your imagination when looking beyond skies toward the unknown.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Prayer of Hope

I Thessalonians 2:19, states, "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?"

Hope is nothing more than a cherish desire for something to happen. So one can easily question hope when expectation looks hazy and dull. Yet, with profound perception as limited by our human eyesight, it will become illuminated in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.  With that acknowledgement, I ask you to join me with this supplication for your family.
Dearest Heavenly Father, who knows all things about us including our predetermination. Yet, we tend to hope in temporal things like hope for success, for money, for a special relationship, and even for financial fortunate. While there's nothing inherently wrong with such hope, it doesn't resuscitate the soul like having hope in YOU, my Heavenly Father. I realize that I am better off placing all my hope in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming. So help me to set my affections on YOU and Your Kingdom instead of temporal things on Earth as I realize that my eternity means residing with YOU. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

My Psalm 139

Unable to sleep this morning I got up and begin reading Psalm 139. I read it in KJV, Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) and then in the Message.  What an awesome Word where David writes a song about His God. So I decided to create my own version of Psalm 139.

Oh, Adonai, my life resembles an open book for your pleasurable reading. You know the truth regarding my life, despite the mask that I wear at time. You can easily recognize the fake smiles when I am reminded of hurtfulness from failures that haunt my being. Yet, I realize your presence as you operated your purpose in the background even when I accomplished my goals or when I succumb with failures. Now, I understand your omnipresence notwithstanding my whereabouts. As I reminisce on my past, I professed your workings. Although; I was unaware at the times. Oh, how now I thank you for both the failures and the accomplishments. I can definitely agree with David, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy work: and that my soul knoweth right well.”  Like David, I acknowledge Adonai who is worthy of the praise and glory that I give. I realize that one tends to gravitate to an entitlement syndrome because of selfishness tendencies. Yet, seeing others climbing the ladder of progress according to worldly standards, brings clarity of my path while realizing that different persons travel different path according to Adonai’s directions.  So I plead that you, Adonai, search my heart and make known any form of selfishness that hinders my worship via my Savior and Lord in Jesus Christ, Selah.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Strait Gate

Strive to enter in at the strait gate.” Luke 13:24
This verse quotes the Savior’s answer to the question, “Are there few that can be saved?” In other words, someone asked the Savior, how many people will enter into the Kingdom? Yet, the Savior flip the conversation from a collective observation to an individual interest. Essentially, it is no longer about the masses but about you as an individual. The Savior emphasizes that your focus should consist not about the salvation of many but whether how you response to His message. Right now, the gate is open, but soon, the gate will shut. The numbers of people who can enter the gate are limitless; but your individual time to enter is limited.

When you really view the totality of Luke 13:22-30, you will notice the visibility of seeing who enters the Kingdom even after the door shuts. Notice verse 38, “When ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom…” Acknowledging the presence of others in your absence seems brutal, but it centers on the truth of rejection. Our natural tendency of conforming to others around us accepts the notion that everyone sins so why bother striving to change. However, the incorporation of entering the strait door appears unimaginable on the grounds that others are predetermined to enter the broad gate by the masses. Yet, the Savior paints an encouraging picture to his followers that they exclude themselves from the masses while striving to enter the narrow gate.

So I challenge you with this question, what changes are you prioritizing to enter the narrow gate into God’s Kingdom?

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Privilege of Entitlements

Because of a mundane life, humans gravitate toward entitlements. Can such a statement holds true if humans infer the lucid Scriptures instead of burying their lives into self-absorbed concerns? In other words, as humans our natural instinct conditions our belief system toward privileged beings, and Scripture even validates such with certainty.
Remember, our Creator placed the first humans in a garden filled with every necessity needed to sustain life. For instance, this garden had plants that produced fruit-bearing trees, nut-bearing trees, and all sort of vegetable for consumption. Even the perfect weather existed in which there was no need for rain to sustain this perfect habitation because a mist came from within the garden for sustainment. After creating such an environment, Scripture revealed, “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good…” (Genesis 1:31) Without a doubt, the Creator transformed a swamp into a perfect environment for humans to exist even before He created them. Therefore, the presence of humans linked to this prefect environment prompts a privileged entitlement just from the existence of humanity. The Psalmist reiterates this same theme: “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visits him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:” Psalms 8:4-6. To further placates this privilege of entitlements, one must grasp the functionality of humans. For instance, we tend to forget that Lucifer (the chief of angels) was sentenced to Earth for the crime of attempting to overthrown God’s dominion. (Revelation 12:9) So in the mist of Lucifer’s residence (Earth), God recreated this magnificent garden giving the domain to humans impliedly removing it from Lucifer.

Therefore, the functionality of humans interchanged with that of angels. For instance, prior to Lucifer’s expulsion from Heaven including one-third of the angelic population (fallen angels), these beings served the Creator, God. Ezekiel 28:14 shed light on the role of Lucifer indicating that he was an anointed Cherub. Cherubim occupy unique positions in Scriptures. In Genesis 3:24, Cherubim protected the entrance into the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were expelled. Also, when Moses made the mercy seat and placed it in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle, God’s glory rested between two Cherubim. Therefore, Cherubim served as servants of God to safeguard definite things. So the interchangeable functionality of humans comprised of serving God and protecting Kingdom work on Earth like Lucifer and the fallen angels once performed.

Yet, humans, the lesser creature than angels, must refrain from the same path as Lucifer of wanted more or wanted to swap places with the Creator. Remember, the privilege of entitlements as an anointed Cherub led Lucifer toward disloyalty and betrayal. Lucifer obtained a Theo Ego complex while serving God when he declared that he will replace God as recorded in Isaiah 14:12-14:
You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Notice that the stars of God are actual angels, “throne on high” and “mount of assemble” can easily mean power, the term “of the clouds” indicates shared recognition and finally, the term “make myself like the Most High” explains Lucifer’s ultimate purpose of wanting to rule like his Creator. 

Likewise as humans, we must remain as servants of God while acknowledging the privilege of entitlements without this Theo Ego mindset. As noted in I John 3:1, Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. As sons of God, we must avoid the selfish egos leading to “I will do this or do that” mentality without God’s will and guidance. We should never want to replace our Creator in any form like receiving services from others or wanting others to credit our authority. Humans must appreciate their humanity. They must knowingly understand that they too are privilege beings serving in Lucifer’s relinquished position because of his obsession with the “I will’s” the Theo Ego.

The lucidness of Scriptures reminds humans to continue your services to God in whatever you do. Therefore, as you minimize your selfish ego, you must stop becoming self-absorbed in unhealthy events. Mostly, realize that your Creator has already solidified your privilege of entitlements by giving you dominion over his creation which is Earth and everything that he created here. So protect his Kingdom by living His will as with oneness notably as sons of God, the lessor of Elohim unlike the fallen angels.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


The awareness for a purpose creates simplicity in our complex existence. Yet, some individuals never realize their purpose and allow the complexity of life to overshadowed the true reason for living. So I encourage you to ponder about your purpose for a few moments. Do you know your purpose? Are you somewhat hesitant about your purpose? If so, I encourage you to think about the Apostle Peter who definitely demonstrated similar hesitation when he heard that the Savior had risen from the dead. Do you remember his actions - displaying bewilderment when the women delivered the message of the empty tomb and running to the grave to find an empty tomb? He eventually escaped to his safe haven of fishing, his passion. Yet, from this passion, his purpose evolved, allowing him to realize the simplicity of following with a meaningful life. 
       As you study the Scriptures, with a focus on Peter after the resurrection, you will notice a baffled young man who returns to his comfort zone for answers. Yet, the Savior met Peter in his comfort zone to refocus him about his purpose. The setting occurs on the shore of Galilee where Peter, John, and other disciples fished all night without any success. Afterward, the Savoir appeared on the shore and provided specific direction leading to a huge catch. When the group came ashore, the Savior had a healthy meal waiting. After the meal, the Savior and Peter had this dialogue.
So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jona, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.  John 21:15 KJVA

       I believe the repeated question by the Savior defines Peter’s purpose. Remember the group had just caught a large quantity of fish numbering 153 fish and after eating the prepared meal, the Savior asked Peter, “Do you love me more than these?”  Many times one will question your love to reciprocate the same love. In other words, the person wants to hear a similar affirmation of love from the recipient. Nevertheless, this question suggests an unnoticeable love known as comparative love. Comparative love determines a relative effectiveness to unfold a purpose, because this love compares to something tangible. The comparison includes the love for Christ likening to the love for possessions. Since the Savior asked Peter this question three consecutive times without variation, the emphasis of the question resonates on the comparison “more than these.” In other words, the phrase “do you love me more than these” means, will your passion for fishing ever interfere with my purpose. Remember, fishing for Peter was an intricate part of living because it produced an income and enabled him to sustain his life style. So, Jesus never took the fishing duty from him, but created opportunities with fishing by multiplying his catch. I tend to believe that Peter continued this profitable skill to enhance his ministry instead of forsaken such a skill just to focus on ministering. Likewise, even the Apostle Paul maintained his trade of tent building while ministering.
       Therefore, purpose synchronizes with passion. So one must use passion to grasp his purpose. Passion and purpose work simultaneously to enable stability when uncertainty ventures in your path. Instead of forsaking your passion when you are unsure about something, learn to incorporate your passion as a benefactor to bridge opportunities. Notice that the Savior encouraged Peter’s passion by multiplying the catch, then he replied “feed my lambs” of which he stated three times.  The Savior’s dialogue with Peter includes two actions -- love and feed. Love demonstrates your inward passion for something; whereas, feed expresses an outward purpose to benefit someone else. For growth to occur, one must tap into your passion, like fishing, in order to feed someone as a purpose. Notice the parallel in how the Savior utilizes the catch of 153 fish when he states “do you love me more than these.” If you affirmed your reply with I love you more, then you must demonstrate such love by feeding my people as a purpose for love. Without a thorough understanding of your passion, you will fail to develop your purpose and fail to aid others as well. Then you will only aid self by continuing to use your passion as you feed your selfish never-filling appetite.
         Finally, as a believer you must grasp how to incorporate your passion to render a purpose. So if you are waiting for your purpose to do this or do that, and lack clarity about your passion, then ask yourself, “Do you love me more than these…then feed my lambs.”

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Essence of Life

Human life can become complex with its obligations both written and unwritten. Yet, I believe the Creator’s original design intended a simple way of life centering on your ability to worship from HIS chosen purpose. One can easily discern the original purpose in Scriptures before the fall of man. “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” (Genesis 2:15 KJV) From this verse, notice the simplicity of God’s original design. 
          The Master Designer, God created the ultimate garden with an array of flowers, bushes, and trees, which produced all kind of fruits both edible and nonedible. Just imagine in one location, you could see all types of fruit, vegetables, and nuts. For instance, this paradise had plenty of fruit-bearing trees like oranges, bananas, apple, figs, and tangerine. Also, it contained nuts-producing trees of all kinds like pecans, almonds, walnuts, as wells as edible vegetables – carrots, tomatoes, spinach, collards, etc.  Here, the Master Designer created man in HIS image and placed him, an intelligent being like HIM for the sole reason to cultivate and nurture this paradise.  Therefore, the Garden of Eden provided the ultimate worship center as man performed his only specified task of maintaining and cultivating these plants and trees for producing fruit. In this garden, man found harmony with meaning as he performed this specified purpose “to dress and to keep it.”
          Today, we perish in this complexity of life when we move from our simple purpose to our ego driven-passions.  Similarly, the tempter (Lucifer) turns us away from God by feeding our ego of selfishness.  When you observe the scenario with humankind and the serpent (Lucifer) via the conversation with Eve. You will notice the shifting from simple to complexity purposed by Lucifer. “The serpent said to the woman, ‘Surely you will not die, for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will open and you will be like divine beings who know good and evil.’” (Genesis 3: 4-5) Planting such a thought in ones’ minds quickly moves you away from cultivating HIS purpose to desiring your own garden. Likewise, the tempter used this same technique with the Savior. In Matthew 4:3, “The tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become bread.’” If you analyze the tempter’s routine, you will notice a similar pattern with each person he entices. The tempter reminds you of self-fulfilling outcome, which entices you toward selfish desires instead of God’s will. In other words, the tempter wants you to move from dependence on God to independence from God. While Adam cultivated the Garden of Eden, the tempter used the terms “you will be like divine beings” in other words you will have no need for God for you will become God. Likewise, the tempter used the same tantalizing words with Jesus, “If you are the Son of God.” How often do we feel unfulfilled from lack of purpose or we feel our job seems meaningless because we have yet to prove ourselves or to establish who we are among others. Again, the tempter uses ego driven-passions to move us from God’s dependence to our independence while thinking we can control the outcome if we do this or that.
        Recognition of our dependence on God becomes the key that will open the simplicity of harmony and peace that awaits us. We must realize our true purpose of being ourselves and fulfilling that simple task of cultivating the work where God puts us right now, instead of where we want to go. Whether you are a student, employee, or retiree, you must execute this simple purpose to dress and keep the fruit of your life pleasing before God so ultimately you will remain as God intended – sons of God.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Example for Children

This truism extends blessings...
This truism extends blessings from generation to generation by creating an eternal marking upon one’s offspring. Take a look at your past photos of your parents and even your parents' parents. Can you identify similar features that you share with each of them? If one recognizes physical resemblance, what about the intangible similarities to include characteristics and traits that you share? Because of such a profound connection with self to one’s family, the Savior proposed a unique question to his disciples when questioned about who is the greatest in the kingdom. He placed a child in midst of them followed by this statement: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:1-5) Although, this lesson explains humility, the Savior points the disciples to their younger selves when they too were children of innocence. So notice that this truism reminds us that a blessed child results from a righteous parent who never forgets his child-like spirits.  The need for greatness and outward distinction becomes less in the child’s mind than the adult way of thinking. A child incurs the dependence on his parent less than an older self. So a child develops into adult-like traits By imitating his parent. Consequently,  the humbleness of mind as demonstrated in selflessness returns when one has a child-like spirit. As one resonates his child-like spirit, it will lead to righteousness, resulting with blessed offspring.

If one subscribes to old idiom, “the apple does not fall far from the tree” meaning that children are like their parents. I can definitely agree with this idiom; simply because I see my father’s ways and behavior as I interact daily with people. So as one avoids the pitfall of self-centeredness and gravitate toward a humility mindset, your child will tap into positive experiences instead of negative experiences as life unfolds. In other words, a person gravitate toward his parent’s action under life stresses from a learned behavior instead reacting in one’s best interest under such challenges. For instance, if one seeks aspiration to have a blessed child, then one must demonstrate how to bless others through humility to implant such behavior in his child. Remember, the writing of Apostle Paul to the Philippians, as he explained humility in describing the role of the Savior: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (Philippians 2:5-9) As Jesus imitated his Father through humility, likewise; the recipient of a blessed child emanates self-effacing for his child to replica.

Remember that a heavenly mindset allows you to impart the same selfless life style to your child. So the formula for a blessed child evolves around you living the same child-like life in front of your child. Equally, the child will repeat the same imparting to his child, reflecting a child-like spirit comparable to the truism – “The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them." (Proverbs 20:7 NIV)

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Lessons Learned from my Father-n-Law

I grasped a new revelation regarding the role of a father as Rev. Rufus Grant (pastor of New Beginnings Missionary Baptist) explained the difference of a hireling and a shepherd during Sunday service. Although, I have heard similar sermons about the “Good Shepherd” but today his message unfolded a new revelation from an unlikely Scripture. “Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the Lord be not as sheep which have no shepherd.” (Numbers 27:16-17). This verse provides the necessity of a shepherd for the congregation likewise each family needs a shepherd to aid with the growth of the family. During his sermon, I thought about the role of a father like the Good Shepherd for a congregation. For instance, Rev. Grant listed five points in his comparison of a hireling:
     1. The hireling is a hired person who works for money. Hired individual only considers the gain that he receives during the course of his serving. 
     2. The hireling as a hired person lacks the value of working because his heart centers on the profitable gain of monetary value.
     3. The hireling runs away when the work faces opposition.
     4. The hireling lacks faithfulness if such service become unprofitable.
     5. The hireling seeks only self-gratification.  

Unlike a hireling, God places a father in charge of the family. Likewise, a father must value his role wholeheartedly. He must demonstrate an unwillingness to relinquish his family responsibilities despite oppositions. In John 10:12 (NIV), “the hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.” This Scripture reveals that a hireling runs away from the sheep when the wolf comes comparably a father faces the wolf unwavering while protecting his family with an attitude that he will lay down his life for them. As demonstrated in John 10:15… “I lay down my life for the sheep.” Since, the wolf symbolizes any issue that bring hard times, the father serves as the resilience for the family while each family member explores the various opportunities of life.  
Unselfish love drives the will of the shepherd unlike money for the hireling. The monetary profit for a shepherd generates an irrelevant commodity since a shepherd’s perception coincides with a heavenly outcome. Likewise, the father views his family through the eyes of love while making decisions from the heart instead of a selfish mindset. 

Ultimately, the father through love becomes the center of gravity that sustains a family for each member to live life fully and abundantly. So I encourage fathers to awake to this new revelation and fulfill your shepherd's roles in the family. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Reasons for Groaning

For verily in this we groan, longing to be clothed upon with our habitation which is from heaven:
2 Corinthians 5:2

What if no person ever dies? If persons live forever on this earth, will we have a need to grow spiritually? We noticed that in the New Testament that we groan for a heavenly presence while on earth echoing a need to exist beyond this earthly realm.

Groaning can easy communicate a painful effort of moving from one state to another state. Such occurred to me after a knee surgery when I accidentally rupture my patella tendon playing basketball. During rehabilitation which immediately occurred the next day after surgery, I literally cried from the excruciating pain as I tried bending my knee. I wanted to rest but the bending of the knee to a certain degree became paramount to prevent freezing. Therefore, my groaning resulted in exercising the knee at the prescribed level that eventually enabled me walk again.

Equally, life situation causes us to groan and to escape such groaning ones must recognize the need for growth. The groaning provides a glimpse of being clothed in your heavenly body while living on earth. Therefore, life situation that causes us to cry on earth brings us closer to the growth needed for heavenly preparation. So instead of criticizing your situation just embrace these earthly circumstances with groaning while realizing that each groan enables growth needed for heavenly profits. As noted in Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.